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The Depravity of Man, the Decrees of God, and God’s Sovereign Regeneration
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The Depravity of Man, the Decrees of God, and God’s Sovereign Regeneration by Bennet Tyler
is a masterpiece of sound theology from a man who spent much of his life training seminary students in that discipline. Tyler was a thorough student of Jonathan Edwards and frequent quotes from Edwards are found in the book, along with quotes from Joseph Bellamy. Sermons begin with the original character of man, and proceed to the fall and its consequences, and the native depravity of man. Tyler then addresses the Decrees of God in several chapters. “The doctrine of decrees has been more violently opposed, and more strenuously controverted, than almost any other doctrine of the Calvinist system,” writes Tyler. He then turns his attention to moral agency, including natural and moral inability, and what right and wrong are ultimately predicated upon—external actions, volitions, or the affections? He spends eighty pages handling accurately the doctrine of regeneration. The book also includes a Memoir of Bennet Tyler by Rev. Nahum Gale. Paperback. 382 pages.
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