Five Marks of a False Prophet CD by Evangelist Rolfe Barnard. One of the best sermons ever preached by Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969). Barnard understood the difference between true and false conversion and in this sermon exposes the false methods of evangelism so widely used today. He clearly shows how to recognize the false prophets of our time, who may seem to be very fine men, but preach a false gospel. Who knows? The pastor of your church may be one of them. Inspiring and badly needed by the church today. In memory of Ruth Nichols.
The Monster of Sinful Self-Seeking Anatomized by Edmund Calamy was published in 1655. In it Calamy explores what he calls a spiritual monster with six heads. He explores these heads in detail, as when one who professes to be a Christian seeks his own things dividedly from the things of Christ; seeks his own things chiefly and principally; seeks his own things when he pretends to seek the things of Christ; seeks his own things in competition with and in opposition to the things of Christ; and when he seeks the good of his body instead of the good of his soul. He tells us that “Every man by nature, is (Narcissus-like) in love with himself, blind to his own cause, and apt to think that he seeks the things of Christ,when he doth not...So there are multitudes of Christians, who fancy to themselves, that they do seek the things of Christ, when it is apparent to others that they do not: and by this self-deceit cozen themselves into hell.” The book is a strong warning to the church of today. It includes a new introduction by Richard Smith. 40 pages. Paperback. Retail Price $7.95 + $5.00 Shipping.
The Sincere Convert: Discovering the Small Number of True Believers and the Great Difficulty of Saving Conversion
A new edition of a classic Puritan work on true and false conversion and the true gospel message by Thomas Shepard. Sections in The Sincere Convert include: 1. That there is a God, and this God is most glorious. 2. That this God made all mankind at first in a most glorious and happy estate, like unto himself. 3. That all mankind is fallen by sin from that glorious estate he was made in, into a most woeful and miserable condition. 4. That the Lord Jesus Christ is the only means of redemption and deliverance out of this estate. 5. That those that are saved are very few; and that those that are saved are saved with very much difficulty. And 6. That the Grand Cause of Man’s Eternal Ruin, or Why So Many Are Damned, and So Few Saved by Christ, Is From Themselves. Newly typeset with a larger font than previous facsimile editions. Hardback. 139 pages plus a new introduction by William C. Nichols.
The Arraignment of Pride by William Gearing. Pride is one of the most prevalent sins both in and out of the church today. The scriptures make it clear that God hates selfishness and pride. “Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; Assuredly, he will not be unpunished” (Proverbs 16:5). “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Pride and arrogance, and the evil way, and the perverted mouth I hate” (Proverbs 8:13).The Arraignment of Pride is a work of thirty-four chapters. These include: Of the Causes of Pride, Of the Kinds of Pride, Of Pride of Beauty and the Vanity thereof, Of pride of Gesture, Of Pride of Hair, Of Pride of Riches, Of Pride of Honour, Pride of the Heart, Of Pride in the Will, Of Pride in the Affections, Of Pride of Gifts in general, Of Pride of Wit, Of the Odiousness of Pride, Of the Greatness of this Sin of Pride, Of the Cure of Pride, Christ a great example of Humility in his Life, Christ a notable example of Humility in his Sufferings and Death, and more. The Arraignment of Pride has not been published since 1660. In addition to The Arraignment of Pride, we have added to the book a shorter work by Robert Bolton titled Helps to Humiliation. Hardback. 206 pages.
In 1694 Edward Pelling, chaplain to British royalty and the House of Lords, authored a book titled, A Practical Discourse Upon Humility. Humility is not in vogue in our churches today, although it is desperately needed. At one time in the church, men used to know that humility was a foundational Christian character trait, but such a worldly spirit has invaded the church today, that men seem almost oblivious to the necessity of humility in the genuine convert, and instead do not in the least try to hide their pride. They do not even seem to know that pride is of the devil. Some of the chapters are: The Usefulness of Humility, in respect of our Proficiency in Virtue; The Usefulness of Humility, in respect of the many Evils it preserves us from; The Suitableness of Humility to the Mind of Christ; How Humility is to be expressed, by not making our own Esteem the End of our Actions and by Submission to our Superiors; How Humility is to be expressed, by acknowledging our faults; How Humility is to be expressed, by being contented with such things as we have; How Humility is to be expressed, by keeping an Even Temper in a State of Prosperity, and more. Also included in the book is a powerful and humbling sermon by New England Puritan Cotton Mather titled The Dreadful Justice of God in Punishing Sin, with Sin. 157 pages. Hardback.
Regeneration is not spoken of much today even in our churches. Most people in the church could probably not even define it. Ezekiel described it this way: “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26). Jesus Christ spoke about regeneration in his famous dialogue with Nicodemus. Jesus said to him, ‘Truly, truly I say to you, if anyone is not born from above, he is not able to see the kingdom of God.’ In this work John Witherspoon, founding father and President of what became Princeton University, explores regeneration in an in depth manner as few have done before or after. The chapter divisions include: 1. Some general Observations on the Metaphor used by the apostle John, Except a man be born again, and the same or similar expressions, to be found in other parts of the Word of God. 2. Wherein this Change doth properly and directly consist, and what are its principal Evidences and Fruits. 3. Of the Steps by which this Change is accomplished and 4. A Conclusion. “Every child of Adam, by nature, is at enmity with God, and must either be renewed in the spirit of his mind, or perish eternally. It is of no consequence what you are as to outward station, if you are not reconciled to God; it is of no consequence what you are as to outward profession, if you are not inwardly changed.” “From all this it is easy to see, that the regenerate person must be humble. Believe it, O Christian, so much as you have of humility, so much you have of true religion. So much as your sentiments are altered in this respect, so much you have ground to think the change to be real.” 157 pages. Hardback.
The True Convert: An Exposition of the Parable of the Lost Son is a penetrating verse by verse and sometimes word by word examination of Luke 15:11-32. Rogers uncovers things, which most interpreters completely ignore. He looks at conviction of sin, repentance, genuine faith and other doctrines as if he were using a microscope. Such thoroughness is not found in works today at all. What should be one of the main controversies of our own time, but sadly is not, is the question of whether a person can be a true convert and yet have his life baron of fruit. Rogers spends much time on this. One of his illustrations of the foolishness of a fruitless profession follows: “A man may be acquainted with them many years, yet not know of what religion they are of...a man cannot tell by their profession. If they be Christians, a man had need be told so, for it doth not appear by their works and actions. Look what course the foolish painter doth take with his ill-favored pictures, writing underneath their names, as, this is a bear, or this a lion, that so all may know them; the same course had we need to take with these, that they may be known to be believers and professors. But let such know, that had they true grace, it would break forth like fire, after it hath been long kept in, and discover itself both by deeds and words (Jeremiah 20:9).” 312 pages. Hardback.
A thorough treatment of Jesus’ parable from Luke 12:16-22. Rogers’ original volume was published posthumously by his son in 1662. Nehemiah Rogers’ exposition of the parable is brilliant. He draws out over fifty doctrines from the text which he handles thoroughly. Some of the doctrines included are: A man may be very Wealthy, and yet very Wicked; Sins of Thoughts are displeasing unto God as well as Sins of Acts; They that place their Happiness in Riches are egregious Fools; A carnal Man delights in a voluptuous Life; The Purposes of Sinners are oftentimes disappointed by God; Worldly prosperity breeds Sloth and carnal Security; A Night of Sorrow succeeds the Day of Pleasure to a Sinner; The Loss of the Soul is the greatest Loss; and Worldly Riches, immoderately loved, expose a Man to God’s heavy Wrath. Below are some quotes from the book:“Where we take our chief strength to lie, that certainly we most trust unto; if it be in our barn, and in our goods, then, without doubt, our goods are our God, and our barn is our temple. Our greedy getting riches is our devotion, Amos 8:5, our coffers and chests, our heaven; in a word, we make the earth our throne, and heaven our footstool, as one speaks aptly.”“Now suppose that there were an open window into thy heart, so that everyone that passeth by, might see all thy thoughts, as transparently as thy actions, in an open market; would it not cause thee to be as careful of them as thou art of thy outward behavior and carriage?” “No part of man can sin without the heart; the heart can sin without the rest.”Hardback. 378 pages.
Spiritual Refining: The Anatomy of True and False Conversion, Volume 3, by Anthony Burgess is a classic work on true and false conversion, regeneration, signs of true and false grace, and assurance of salvation. Originally published in 1652. Volume 3 contains the final 60 sermons from the original work. Some of the sermons include:
The Gospel Feast, and who Are welcome Guests, and who Not; Church Privileges No Sign of Grace; Zeal and Diligence in False Worship No Ground of Comfort; Characters and Properties of a Gracious Man; Of the counterfeit of inherent Grace, viz. Natural honesty, and why God hath continued in wicked men the use of Conscience; Of the washing and cleansing of a Sinner; Of the Order and Method that God takes in our Conversion, causing us to walk in his Statutes, opposite to the Doctrine of Pelagians, Papists, Arminians, and Moral Philosophy, and over 50 more.
Burgess wrote: “We pity those deluded mad men, who are persuaded they are such great persons, and have such large estates, when in the meantime they lie miserable and naked, bound up in chains in a dark dungeon; such a spiritual madness is upon most, who never searched to the bottom of all that filthiness which is in them, and thereupon call themselves grapes and figs when they are thorns and thistles.”
492 pages. Hardback. Newly typeset.