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The Narrow Road that Leads to Life
The Narrow Road that Leads to Life
Our Price: $30.00

The Narrow Road that Leads to Life
A presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ consistent with Lordship salvation and Puritan and Reformed evangelism. Emphasizes the character of God; sin and the depravity of the heart; the use of the Law; Jesus Christ presented as prophet, priest, and king; counting the cost; and instructions to the unconverted. (Also available in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Russian) 100 copies.
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True Godliness
True Godliness
Our Price: $35.00

True Godliness
A penetrating look at true and false conversion which contrasts living for self with Jesus' call to deny self and live for the glory of God. Also available in Spanish, Romanian, Korean, and Chinese. 100 copies.
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The Final Judgment
The Final Judgment
Our Price: $35.00

The Final Judgment by William C Nichols
The reality of the final judgment is strikingly brought home to the reader in this booklet. Sections in the tract include An Appointment All Men Will Keep, Who Shall Judge the World?, A Glimpse of the Final Judgment, The Accusers of the Ungodly, and a lengthy application section. 100 copies.
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Suicide: Gateway to Peace
Suicide: Gateway to Peace
Our Price: $35.00

Suicide: Gateway to Peace?
A Biblical view of the issue of suicide. What are some basic assumptions made by the one who commits suicide? Does the Bible say anything about suicide? Are there some people in the Bible who comitted suicide? What are some natural arguments against the temptation to commit self-murder? What are some Biblical arguments the temptation to commit self-murder? What are some helps available to the one who is tempted to commit suicide? 100 copies.
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The Terrors of Hell
The Terrors of Hell
Our Price: $35.00

The Terrors of Hell by William C Nichols
An examination of the Biblical doctrine of hell including: the necessity of hell, a description of hell, theeternity of hell, and an application to believers and unbelievers. Also available in Spanish, Hungarian, Chinese, and Korean. 18 pages. 100 copies.
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The Gospel & Martyrdom
The Gospel & Martyrdom
Our Price: $35.00

The Gospel and Martyrdom by William C. Nichols
Do martyrdom and the gospel of Jesus Christ have anything to do with one another?An exposition of Luke 14:26 especially considering the phrase "If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate...even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." 100 copies $35.00 + postage.
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Guidance for the Seeker
Guidance for the Seeker
Our Price: $40.00

Guidance for the Seeker by William C Nichols
A tract for the seeker containing instruction in what the Puritans referred to as the " diligent use of means" God has provided to seek the kingdom: fervent prayer, reading of the Scriptures, and hearing the word of God preached. Also includes sections on God's justice in the damnation of sinners, meditation on the sins of our heart and life, and why is salvation found only in Jesus Christ. Also available in Spanish and Korean. 100 copies.
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